17/09/2019 - 23:00 to 18/09/2019 - 04:00
Let's dance the night away at VISUM's Latin Party!
16/09/2019 - 20:00 to 17/09/2019 - 01:00
Are you naughty or nice?
15/09/2019 - 16:45
VISUM is taking you to the biggest wine festival in the world!
11/09/2019 - 19:00 to 21:00
09/09/2019 - 20:00
Let's travel back in time at next week's Stammtisch!
02/09/2019 - 20:00
VISUM Welcomes everyone to Mannheim at our Welcome Stammtisch!
31/08/2019 - 23:00
Let's celebrate the start of your exchange semester together!
28/08/2019 - 15:00
Let's enjoy these last rays of sunshine together at the VISUM Summer Games!
26/08/2019 - 20:00
It's time to get fancy at the last Stammtisch of the Summer Academy!
22/08/2019 - 15:00
It's time to get active! VISUM is taking you to a nice bike tour to Heidelberg!
