Action, Thrill and Fun... VISUM goes Laser-Tag!

Join us on to play laser tag at "world of lasertag".

When:  Thursday, February 3rd at 5pm 

Where: Industriestraße 39, 68169 Mannheim 

Btw: you don't have to pay for this event as VIUSM carries the costs. But because of that, we would like for as many people as possible to be able to join this event. So PLEASE, if you don't feel well or aren't sure you can come, please don't just sign up "in case". There are a lot more events yet to come!

Don't forget: 2G+ rule, your student ID, FFP2 mask

We hope to see you there!


Sign up here: VISUM goes laser-tag | VISUM Mannheim - ESN Mannheim (

03/02/2022 - 17:00