VISUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM..........PUUUUUUUUUUBCCRAAAAAAWL "The best night you will never remember"

On October 16th, 2018 it's happening again! VISUM crawls through Mannheim with 250 fellow students experiencing one of the VISUM semester's absolute highlights a.k.a: "the best night you will never remember".
4 Bars, 5 Beers, 5 Shots in only 3 hours, a VISUM Pub Crawl T-Shirt, a Kebab and a ticket to party-on at that night's VISUM Chaplin Party. 
We will crawl in 4 teams, in 4 different colors and you will have to make sure yours is the biggest party-team! As a member of one of these teams, you have to proof that your group is the craziest and the most incredible one! Make your teamleader proud, scream with us as loud as you can and show us your maximum party-attitude.

If you study in Mannheim, the VISUM Pub Crawl definitely has to be in your CV, so don’t miss this unique chance to have another night of awesomeness with VISUM. Get your ticket now and be part of this semester-highlight! Help us to make this legendary event to an epic night - the best night you will never remember!! 

WHEN: Tuesday, October 16th, 6.30pm
WHERE: M 003
PRICE: 25 €

Thursday October 11th 3.00pm - 4.30 pm @Cafe L3 
Monday October 15th 8.00 pm – 10.00 pm at the VISUM Stammtisch @ L3


Pub Crawls gibt es nur in Städten wie Berlin oder München? Falsch! VISUM bringt den Pub Crawl nach Mannheim! Und was noch besser ist - auch auf die internationale Atmosphäre müsst ihr nicht verzichten.
Zusammen mit Austauschstudenten aus aller Welt könnt ihr am Dienstag den 16.10 Mannheim unsicher machen!

Das Ticket beinhaltet 4 Bars, 5 Biere, 5 Shots in nur 3 Stunden, dazu ein VISUM Pub Crawl T-Shirt, einen Kebab und das Ticket für die Afterparty im Chaplin. 
Wenn ihr in Mannheim studiert sollte der VISUM Pub Crawl auf jeden Fall in eurem Lebenslauf stehen - also holt euch euer Ticket und seid Teil unseres Semester Highlights! 

WANN: Dienstag, 16. Oktober, 18:30
PREIS: 25€

Donnerstag 11.Oktober von 15:00 - 16:30 Uhr im Café L3 
Montag 15. Oktober von 20:00 - 22:00 Uhr auf unserem Stammtisch im Cafe L3.

16/10/2018 - 18:30
25 €